A large area of high pressure will gradually move by to our north this evening and off to our east tomorrow. Light to moderate winds will prevail through sunset Sunday. An approaching cold front will bring moderate to strong winds and showers Sunday evening with a chance of thunder as it passes Monday afternoon. Moderate to rough seas fall slight to moderate this afternoon through Sunday.
High near 22°C/72°F.
Humidity a beautiful 51%
Winds north-northeasterly 12 to 18 knots, gradually easing northeasterly 8 to 12 knots
Seas inside the reef 2 to 3 ft… Outside the reef 4 to 8 ft, decreasing
Sea Surface Temperature: 24.1°C/75.4°F
High Tide: 8:14 a.m. / 8:30 p.m.
Sunrise: 6:51 Sunset: 5:17