Chance of morning thunder, then gradual clearing… had that

Area stability has decreased as troughs of lower pressure rotate through the base of the Bermuda-Azores high ridge axis thus triggering scattered showers along with isolated thunderstorms and continued moderate southeasterly winds. The ridge will strengthen on Wednesday resulting in overall drier conditions heading into late week. Slight to moderate seas persist through the period.
High near 28°C/83°F
Humidity a bearable 92% … mercy
Winds southeasterly 10 to 15 knots, gusty near showers or thunderstorms this morning, increasing 12 to 18 knots this afternoon.
Seas inside the reef 1 to 2 ft… Outside the reef 3 to 5 ft, increasing during the afternoon
Sea Surface Temperature has dropped: 27.6°C/81.7°F
High tide: 6:56
Sunrise 6:28 Sunset 8:22