Mostly sunny today with a light to moderate breeze.

A ridge of high pressure brings mainly dry fair conditions today but, during this evening, isolated, mainly light showers will move across the Marine area. The showers will clear through Wednesday morning with high pressure building through the afternoon, resulting in mainly fine conditions. However,isolated showers will return from the northwest overnight Thursday, through to Saturday. Seas mainly slight to moderate.
High near 29°C/84°F.
Humidity 76% (very nice)
Winds southerly 5 to 10 knots, increasing 8 to 12 knots during this morning then gradually veering south-southwesterly through afternoon
Seas inside the reef 1 to 2 ft… Outside the reef 3 to 5 ft, decreasing during the morning
Sea Surface Temperature: 28.3°C/82.9°F
High tide: 12:55 pm
Sunrise 6:23 Sunset 8:26