High cloud cover thickens, a couple showers develop.

Small Craft Warning (Valid for This afternoon through Sunday evening)
High pressure ridging will maintain fair skies through most of today, though low pressure passing to our west, then north will send showers, risk for thunder and increasing winds from Friday evening through much of the weekend. Conditions tend to improve Sunday afternoon to Monday. Building seas occur today and tomorrow, then gradually abate Sunday and Monday.
High near 28°C/83°F
Humidity has dropped somewhat – 84%
Winds southerly 10 to 15 knots, increasing 15 to 20 knots this afternoon
Seas inside the reef 1 to 3 ft… Outside the reef 3 to 6 ft, increasing during the afternoon
Sea Surface Temperature: 28°C/82.4°F
High tide: 9:18 a.m.
Sunrise 6:21 Sunset – two minutes earlier this evening – 8:27