n active week ahead as showers develop today then rain tonight as a slow moving cold front approaches and then passes early tomorrow morning. Clouds will linger on Tuesday and Wednesday with a threat of a shower or two then another cold front will pass on Thursday delivering strong winds with gale force gusts and showers. Moderate to rough seas persist.
High near 23°C/73°F.
Humidity – 87%
Winds southeasterly 12 to 18 knots, occasionally 15 to 20 knots
Tonight – Winds southeasterly 12 to 18 knots, veering southerly and easing 10 to 15 knots in the evening, then sharply veering northerly 12 to 18 knots toward dawn
Seas inside the reef 1 to 3 ft… Outside the reef 5 to 9 ft, increasing during the morning.
Sea Surface Temperature: 18.5°C/65.3°F
High Tide: 7:24 a.m. / 7:26 p.m.
Sunrise: 7:21 Sunset: 5:36