Fair weather as moderate winds ease to light this afternoon.

A secondary frontal trough may bring a few showers today, followed by fair weather and veering winds. Moderate to strong winds ease light to moderate tomorrow, then light and variable as high pressure moves over Bermuda. As the high moves to our east Thursday winds settle southeasterly and then increase to strong again by Friday. Moderate to rough seas fall slight to moderate Wednesday evening through Friday morning.
High near 18°C/55°F.Humidity has dropped – 66% (Thank you !)
Winds northwesterly 12 to 18 knots, gradually easing to 5 to 10 knots by midday.
The never ending Small Craft Warning ((Valid this morning until this evening). Seas inside the reef 2 to 4 ft… Outside the reef 8 to 13 ft, decreasing.Sea Surface Temperature: 20.1°C/68.2°FHigh tide: 5:35 a.m.
Sunrise 7:15 Sunset 5:17
Info taken from The Bermuda Weather Service.