Stone Chimneys
Our skyline is filled with them. Thick stone, painted white.
Dry Stone Walls
These walls line our narrow roads. They are created by cutting the rock to fit into the pattern. There is no mortar used to hold the wall together.
The moongate being shaped like a full moon, is frequently linked to romance, on account of universal superstitions concerning that heavenly body. The Greeks, among others, held that seeds germinated faster if planted on a full moon; other mythologies have regarded the moon as masculine and the sun as feminine; in some cultures a full moon variously represents an uninterrupted circle, a union, purity, love.. To these we might add the conviction staunchly held in 17th century Britain that the best time to embark on any enterprise was when the moon was full. The outcome of all these is that the Bermudian moongate has secured for itself an indelible reputation linked to a host of romantic meanings.
Our moongates are magic. Make sure you make a wish when you walk into one.